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Welcome to our twelfth edition of our Risk Monthly Round up, where we look back on all that has gone on across Risk, DCIQ and DatixWeb, and with you, over the past month and send it straight to your inbox.

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Risk User Groups Chairs

As we near 2025, we’re planning some exciting changes to the RLDatix Risk User Groups that will need your support. The purpose behind them is to remain a space for open and meaningful discussions on patient safety and risk management to help grow your network in the community. To help make this happen, we’re wanting this forum to be a customer led forum that RLDatix will facilitate and support. 

Thank you to everyone who has put their interest in becoming a Risk User Group chair and to support with setting the agenda for the event, running the event on the day, and working with the DCIQ and DatixWeb community to drive attendance for the sessions. 

We will reach out to all of you with information in the new year around the new Risk User Group schedules for 2025.


MFA and SSO now available in DCIQ and for cloud hosted DatixWeb users

We are pleased to announce that SSO (Single Sign On) and MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) is now available to all DCIQ customers and to cloud hosted DatixWeb customers.

What are the benefits of SSO?

Simplify the log in process for end-users, making it easier and faster report incidents and event 

  • Reduce issues and frustrations for end-users struggling to log in to the system that require time and resources to solve, such as remembering multiple log in details
  • Reduce the barriers to report an incidents or events
  • Enabling both SSO and MFA aligns with NHS Digitals strategy

Enabling SSO and MFA within your cloud hosted DatixWeb system 

DatixWeb Cloud Hosted systems: For all cloud hosted DatixWeb customers, we have created a full step-by-step User Guide you can follow if you would like to enable SSO in your DatixWeb system. 

You can view the DatixWeb User Guide here. 

How can you enable SSO and MFA if you are an On-Premise DatixWeb? 

SSO and MFA is powered in DatixWeb through the Cloud infrastructure. In order to utilise the SSO and MFA features, you will need to migrate your on-premise to the cloud. 

If you would like more information on the steps and benefits of migrating your on-premise DatixWeb system to the Cloud, you can read about it through the link below. 

Moving DatixWeb to the Cloud 


Connection Podcast 

In the podcast, we explore the intersection of technology and humanity to uncover insights on supporting workforce wellbeing, productivity and more, whilst keeping patient safety at the centre of everything we do. 

New episodes are released every three weeks, and two new episodes have been released and are ready to be listened to since the last newsletter. 

The two new episodes focusing on Technology and Humanity in Healthcare, and Winter Reflections in Health Technology and Humanity in 2024. 

Catch up on the Connection Podcast


DCIQ and DatixWeb Release Videos

To help ensure you make the most of our DCIQ and DatixWeb releases, we have created video guides for each release explaining the major feature updates and benefits that can be found in each release. 

You can access the DCIQ Release videos via our Support Portal here.  

You can access the DatixWeb Release videos via out Support Portal here. 


DCIQ and DatixWeb Release Notifications

Product Release Updates 

Last year, we changed our release updates process, to make it easier and faster for you to be notified of a DCIQ or DatixWeb release directly. 

To make sure you are instantly sent product release notes as and when they go live, all you need to do is follow the links below and subscribe to the page below. 

DCIQ Link: 

DatixWeb Link: 


Thank you for reading our December edition of our Monthly Round Ups.    

If you find these monthly rounds up useful, please subscribe below to receive a notification as soon as the future editions goes live.  

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